
Sunday, May 1, 2016

Ed Goll, Bob Hewitt and Tony Meluskey visited Immaculata University on Friday, April 19th, to investigate Immaculata's interest in our proposal to partner with them to continue our LifeLong Learning experience.
We met with the Dean of the College of LifeLong Learning (they even capitalize the second "L" in lifelong, just as we do). The Dean gave us a tour of the facilities that we would use for classrooms. It appears to be an excellent fit for us and I think the Dean recognizes that. Immaculata would have available most of the amenities that we identified in our five year Strategic Plan and which Widener is touting for its OLLI.
The Dean will report our visit to her superior, whom we met in the hall;  she immediately knew who we were and seemed very enthusiastic.
We're anxiously awaiting word concerning a follow-up meeting.

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