
LLCC fellow members:

We want to keep you up to date on our planning for Fall 2016.  We are meeting with 2 potential partners:  West Chester University and Immaculata University, among several possible partners. We hope to be able to choose between these fine options within a few weeks. In the meantime, we have 4 volunteer committees working to get ready for the fall.


We can use additional help on several of these. If you are interested, please contact Tony Meluskey at anthony.meluskey.sr@gmail.com. These committees and the advisory board are meeting every Tuesday at noon at the Widener Exton location. 

We will plan to hold a full community meeting in 2 weeks, on Thursday, May 19 at noon in Room 1. Hope to see you there. To follow our progress, please check in with our blog at   http://lifelonglearningchesco.blogspot.com/ . 

Please feel free to share this email with your friends. 

LLCC Advisory Committee

 "If you no longer wish to receive information about lifelong learning  in chesco  please send an email to:  Lifelonglearningchesco@gmail.com"

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