
Don't forget ! LLI@IU Open House on July 19 
Free Summer Movies
Did you mark your calendar?
LifeLong Learning Institute Open House 
Tuesday, July 19th
10am - 1pm
Immaculata University - Great Hall
(Park in Lot D)
Click here to RSVP

Tour Campus
Register for Fall classes
Meet instructors for Fall classes
Ask questions about Immaculata University!

Summer Movies 

Join us for free Summer Movies and discussions at 1pm on Mondays in
Loyola Hall 127; no registration required.    

July 25                         Defiance (Roberta Matz)
August 1                      The Help (Ross Kershey)
August 8                      Unconditional Love (Ann Calef)
August 15                    The Mighty Macs (Dick Calef)
August 22                    Glory (Michael Simeone)

Immaculata University, 1145 King Road, Immaculata, PA 19345


Lifelong Learning Institute at Immaculata University

Update for July 2016
See Note Below to 2016 Instructors: Change in Date for Instructor Orientation. Now scheduled for Sept 8 at 1pm.

  This memo is intended to update the LLCC membership, with the current status of our new relationship with the  Lifelong Learning Institute at Immaculata University.

Members of the LLCC Board, Committee Chairs and other committee members met with Dean Tekely,  June 28 on the IU campus.   Introductions were made and the Dean then reviewed the status of actions that are being addressed.  It is not the intent of this memo to cover all of the many facets of our new relationship, but the answers to our many questions show that the IU staff is on top of the situation and exceeding our expectations.    More detail will be given at the open house and orientation.     Here are some key dates to put on your calendar:

July 18 - REGISTRATION:   
The Fall Catalog is being finalized and is expected to be on the IU Website by July 8, with mailings to all members shortly thereafter.    We urge all members to go to the website for our Lifelong Learning Institute at Immaculata University and submit your information to make sure you are on the IU mailing list, to receive catalogs and other information.  Click here  for the IU Lifelong Learning Institute Website.   You may register earlier, but IU will not begin to process registrations until July 18.   Your final individual class registrations will be confirmed in writing.  

July 19      OPEN HOUSE
Open  House in the Villa Maria  “Green Room”  10 AM – 1 PM.  You will be asked to RSVP for this event.   Note to Instructors:   A technical orientation for instructors was initially scheduled to follow this open house beginning at 1 PM, but has since been postponed to Sept 8.   (See below). 

IU will continue our summer movie tradition.   Movies will be held on Mondays in Loyola Hall,  Rm 127,  Jul. 25 – Aug. 22.

IU orientation for all members and instructors:  10 AM – 1 PM.
IU will be mailing further information on this event, to include on-site registration, issuing IDs, and Parking Permits.  
Orientation for instructors will follow (postponed from July 19).

Sept 12     CLASSES BEGIN. 
At our general membership meetings, following the announcement of our OLLI facility in Exton closing June 30, the overwhelming response was to continue the lifelong learning experience in this area.   This has been accomplished without missing a semester, through a new partnership with Immaculata University and their willingness to launch a new Institute within their university system, on their beautiful campus.    It is a pleasure to be able to report that a very robust Fall Semester has been structured with over 70 courses.   We hope to see you continue your Lifelong Learning experience at our new home.

Dick Calef – Membership Committee Chair     June 28, 2016


Seniors to continue lifelong learning in Chesco

By Adam Farence, Daily Local News
Published: 06/27/16

 In only two months, more than 600 senior citizens living in and around Chester County wishing to further their education and socialize with their peers have found a way to do so at Immaculata University starting in September.
The seniors, originally part of a larger group called the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, (OLLI) used to take classes to continue their education and socialize with one another. That is, until Widener University officials decided in April to shut down the program at their Exton campus after the spring semester and move it to their main campus in Chester, Delaware County.
The decision proved unpopular with many of the program’s current students. Of the 1,000 students who were originally part of the OLLI branch that operated out of Exton, over 600 broke off from the main group, and started a new one called the Lifelong Learning Institute.
Teachers for the Lifelong Learning Institute sometimes come from their own student bodies; it’s possible for the teacher in one class to be a student in another.
Fueled by a desire to continue their goal of pursuing lifelong learning in their retirement years, the seniors found a new home at Immaculata University in East Whiteland to hold their daytime classes and socialize with one another.
“We’re delighted it worked out so well,” said Ed Goll, one of the spokesmen for the newly created group. “urned out to be a It tblessing in disguise.
Goll said they considered several potential venues for their new organization, but ultimately settled on Immaculata University for the quality of their facilities, parking space and lack of scheduling conflicts — since the seniors’ classes take place during the day and most of Immaculata’s classes take place at night.
First on their list of events is an open house at Immaculata University on July 19, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Classes start the week of Sept. 12. Goll said they have over 70 classes planned already, and praised Immaculata’s administrative officials for their help in getting the program off the ground.
“After learning about the needs of the senior community in our region, we knew that Immaculata University would be able to create and deliver a program that will fulfill the intellectual and cultural interests of Chester County residents in their retirement years,” wrote Dr. Angela Tekely, dean of the College of Lifelong Learning at Immaculata University, in a prepared statement.
The program is not without cost to its students. According to Immaculata officials, there is a fee of $185 for up to seven courses a semester.

“We’re really excited,” Goll said.


The Lifelong Learning Institute at Immaculata University
As most of you know, our Lifelong Learning in Chester County committee has been fortunate enough to find a welcoming home at Immaculata University. So far, you have mostly heard and read about our progress in moving to IU. Now, we have reached the point where we can provide some concrete information about the fruits of our effort.

In the past week we have confirmed that we will start classes onSeptember 12, 2016 at Immaculata. And we have confirmed dates for other aspects of our program and some dates for welcoming functions that IU will hold for us. Here is a calendar of dates for which to plan as we begin our tenure at Immaculata.    

    •  Special Meeting of the Advisory Board and all Subcommittee
        Members at  Immaculata on
 June 28    
     •  Open House and Reception on July 19 from 10 AM until 1 PM   
        in the Green Room at Immaculata
    •  Instructor Orientation and IT Equipment Training on July 19   
       at 1PM
  following the Open House.

    •  Orientation and On-Campus Registration on September 8  
        from 10 AM until 1 PM in the Green Room at Immaculata

    •  Classes Begin on September 12, mostly in Loyola Hall and
       some possibly in Good Council Hall.

    •  Summer movies (when available) will be scheduled for every             Monday at noon from July 11 thru August 22. Please check the         blog  and your email for movie availability and dates.
Clearly, the beginning of our exciting new lives at Immaculata is drawing near. Information will be arriving quickly. Please monitor the blog, watch your email, and watch our new page on the

Best regards,
Tony Meluskey and Ed Goll, Co-Chairs - Advisory Board


Here is a note about our privileges at Immaculata as members of the LifeLong Learning Institute.
Immaculata is proud to welcome members of the LifeLong Learning Institute to campus this fall. Beginning this fall LLI members will have use of the Library and Cafeteria. 
Please note that LLI membership does not include access to the fitness center, pool, wellness center, career center, counseling services, math center or writing center.


SUCCESS!! Lifelong Learning In Chester County Has a New Home!

SUCCESS!! Lifelong Learning In Chester County Has a New Home!

We will be partnered with Immaculata University as a part of the College of Lifelong Learning
beginning with the fall 2016 semester. We are now “The Lifelong Learning Institute at Immaculata
University”. http://www.immaculata.edu/cll/lifelong

Check out their campus: http://www.immaculata.edu/documents/campusmap.pdf

We will be in Loyola Hall (14) and Good Counsel Hall (9).

Check out the university at: www.immaculata.edu

Just 2.5 miles from our current location, Immaculata has plenty of parking, coffee shops, cafeteria,
library, meeting spaces, computer room, up to date technology, auditoria, swimming pool and more.

Campus tours and orientation will take place in August. Immaculata will host an opening reception for
us this summer. Details to follow.

Follow the progress at our blog site: http://lifelonglearningchesco.blogspot.com

To add your name to our email list (our preferred method of communication), please go to:


If you no longer want to receive communication from LLCC, please go to the email above to

Tuition Refunds:

If you have prepaid for the fall semester at OLLI you can request a refund. Contact Jean McGee,
Registrar, at 484-713- 0088 or jamcgee@widener.edu

We welcome your ongoing support and look forward to an exciting new year in a new
location. Please tell your friends about our wonderful adult learning program. We can
grow with your help!

Ed Goll and Tony Meluskey

Co-chairs, LLCC


Announcement from Immaculata of our adoption.

This is the announcement from Immaculata of our adoption. It should appear in the newspapers soon. 

LifeLong Learning Institute at Immaculata University

Immaculata University's new LifeLong Learning Institute will offer intellectual and cultural experiences in a welcoming atmosphere to Chester County residents in their retirement years.
Beginning in fall 2016, Immaculata University will offer over 40 courses designed for adults who are 50 and better!
The fall schedule will be available in early June! Sign up here to have a copy e-mailed and/or mailed to you on the release date.
Interested in teaching? Complete an interest form here.

LifeLong Learning Institute Membership

Membership in the LifeLong Learning Institute at Immaculata will enhance your life and introduce you to a community of engaged and engaging peers. The people, courses, stimulating discussions, events, and easy access to campus, all add up to a unique experience.
As an LLI @ IU member, you have the opportunity to:
  • Register for an unlimited number of 50 and better courses and study groups.
  • Attend special lectures, tours, workshops, and seminars. Most events are free to members; some may have a nominal fee.
For more information, call 484-323-3238.


On Tuesday, May 24 at 5:30 p.m. Immaculata is offering a special presentation on cybersecurity featuring keynote speaker Brian Gouker, the National Security Agency’s visiting professor and the chair of Cyber Studies at the U.S. Army War College.
This event, held in Villa Maria Hall's Green Room, will also feature an expert panel of cybersecurity professionals who will be available to answer your questions!

IMMACULATA it is ! ! ! ! !

On a unanimous vote by the board and the committee chairs it was formally decided that LLCC will partner with Immaculata University's College of Lifelong Learning. 
At the membership meeting on Thursday, the rationale for the decision was discussed by the board and a summary description of Immaculata was presented by Dick Calef.
The new committee chairs were also announced:
Operations - Roberta Matz
Curriculum - Anne Hearn
Finance - Caroline Cassels  
Membership - Dick Calef
On Tuesday, May 24th, Ed Goll, Tony Meluskey and the chairs will meet with Immaculata's Angela Tekely, ED.D., Dean of the College of Lifelong Learning and members of her team. This will be the beginning of the transition process from castoffs and wandering nomads to proud official members of the Immaculata community.
The next general membership meeting will be held some day during the second week of Summer Session at Exton. In the meantime watch for updates on this blog.


Refunds from Widener

Jean McGee the registrar for OLLI is preparing a list of members who paid an all- inclusive fee (spring, summer and fall) and those who paid for an annual membership (spring and fall). This is at the request of Widener University and those who have paid for the fall series will have their money returned. HOWEVER, Jean wants a request from affected students via email or postal mail.

Jean's addresses are:
Osher Lifelong Institute, Widener University
Ms. Jean McGee,  Registrar
825 Springdale Drive
Exton, Pa 19341