
SUCCESS!! Lifelong Learning In Chester County Has a New Home!

SUCCESS!! Lifelong Learning In Chester County Has a New Home!

We will be partnered with Immaculata University as a part of the College of Lifelong Learning
beginning with the fall 2016 semester. We are now “The Lifelong Learning Institute at Immaculata
University”. http://www.immaculata.edu/cll/lifelong

Check out their campus: http://www.immaculata.edu/documents/campusmap.pdf

We will be in Loyola Hall (14) and Good Counsel Hall (9).

Check out the university at: www.immaculata.edu

Just 2.5 miles from our current location, Immaculata has plenty of parking, coffee shops, cafeteria,
library, meeting spaces, computer room, up to date technology, auditoria, swimming pool and more.

Campus tours and orientation will take place in August. Immaculata will host an opening reception for
us this summer. Details to follow.

Follow the progress at our blog site: http://lifelonglearningchesco.blogspot.com

To add your name to our email list (our preferred method of communication), please go to:


If you no longer want to receive communication from LLCC, please go to the email above to

Tuition Refunds:

If you have prepaid for the fall semester at OLLI you can request a refund. Contact Jean McGee,
Registrar, at 484-713- 0088 or jamcgee@widener.edu

We welcome your ongoing support and look forward to an exciting new year in a new
location. Please tell your friends about our wonderful adult learning program. We can
grow with your help!

Ed Goll and Tony Meluskey

Co-chairs, LLCC

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