
The Lifelong Learning Institute at Immaculata University
As most of you know, our Lifelong Learning in Chester County committee has been fortunate enough to find a welcoming home at Immaculata University. So far, you have mostly heard and read about our progress in moving to IU. Now, we have reached the point where we can provide some concrete information about the fruits of our effort.

In the past week we have confirmed that we will start classes onSeptember 12, 2016 at Immaculata. And we have confirmed dates for other aspects of our program and some dates for welcoming functions that IU will hold for us. Here is a calendar of dates for which to plan as we begin our tenure at Immaculata.    

    •  Special Meeting of the Advisory Board and all Subcommittee
        Members at  Immaculata on
 June 28    
     •  Open House and Reception on July 19 from 10 AM until 1 PM   
        in the Green Room at Immaculata
    •  Instructor Orientation and IT Equipment Training on July 19   
       at 1PM
  following the Open House.

    •  Orientation and On-Campus Registration on September 8  
        from 10 AM until 1 PM in the Green Room at Immaculata

    •  Classes Begin on September 12, mostly in Loyola Hall and
       some possibly in Good Council Hall.

    •  Summer movies (when available) will be scheduled for every             Monday at noon from July 11 thru August 22. Please check the         blog  and your email for movie availability and dates.
Clearly, the beginning of our exciting new lives at Immaculata is drawing near. Information will be arriving quickly. Please monitor the blog, watch your email, and watch our new page on the

Best regards,
Tony Meluskey and Ed Goll, Co-Chairs - Advisory Board

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