
LifeLong Learning of Chester County
Thanks to Dave Matz
We are really cooking with gas now.  Due to the superb efforts of Ed Goll and Tony Meluskey, and a small group of Advisory Committee members, we have made contact with a variety of potential University and Community partners and we are in active discussions with West Chester University and Immaculata University. 

We are getting great press from local news media.  Click on the link to get to the Inquirer article (Front page of Section 2) from Saturday, May 7, 2016.

West Chester University
West Chester Graduate Business School
Ed, Tony, Ann Hearn and Roberta Matz, met with West Chester Univ. on Thursday, May 5.    

It appears that West Chester University is interested in a relationship with us that is not too different than what we had with Widener.  The facility is very professional, with 200 parking spots, an elevator, and plenty of restrooms. They have ten classrooms that we could use, two being as large as our present Room# 1/2.  One item missing is that they assume each student will bring their own computer, so there is a plug at each seat, but no computer room.  In addition, we would need to supply some volunteer staffing for reception and possible a few other minor functions that  were done by Widener staff or  supplied by our building landlord at our present building.
 Immaculata University
Ed, Tony, Roberta, and Anne met with  Immaculata University on  Monday, May 9.  Immaculata's facilities are more extensive than WCU. Since they are right on campus, there are more facilities readily available.  They do have one computer room. have rooms with water and sinks, a music room, and several on-site cafeterias and coffee shops. They are interested in taking full ownership of Facility and Staff functions immediately.   For the Fall we would not be in one building. There would be a short walk between the two buildings that we would use.  For future semesters, Immaculata says they would try to put all of our classes in the one main building. The walk from the handicapped parking spots to the building entrance is comparable to what we have now at Widener, Exton.

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